Offer Currently: Active
State of Survival

This offer guide will give you info on how to complete the State of Survival offer.

Posted On 19th of July 2024

Offer Name: State of Survival
Offer Wall: Torox
Pays: Approximately ~$481 depending on the website
Available In: UK and more

Offer Description: Get the game and complete the tasks listed within 18 days.

- Upgrading headquarter to level 5 can be done in less than 2 hours
- Upgrading headquarter to level 8 can be done in less than 4 hours, just keep completing missions/tasks
- Purchasing any 4.99 pack rewards you with ~$2.5
- Upgrading headquarters to level 16 and above starts to get difficult, and will take much longer to reach

GPT Sites that pay the best for this offer:
- Chequity $507.02
- Cashhut $481.15