Offer Currently: Active
Stormshot - Isle of Adventure

This offer guide will give you info on how to complete the Stormshot - Isle of Adventure offer.

Posted On 19th of July 2024

Offer Name: Stormshot - Isle of Adventure
Offer Wall: Torox
Pays: Approximately ~$248.66 depending on the website, but realistically ~$15
Available In: UK and more

Offer Description: Download the game, play and reach stronghold level 35 in 30 days to get the highest reward.

- Reaching Stronghold Level 13 can be done if you play the game non-stop for 3-6 hours, depending on how fast you progress
- If you purchase any $9.99 USD package you will also get credited around ~$11
- Reaching Stronghold Level 17 is difficult, and will take much longer to reach
- Reaching Stronghold Level 20 and above is extremely difficult, and will require you to spend days playing almost non-stop, which is why everything above Stronghold level 20 pays so high as you are unlikely to reach it

GPT Sites that pay the best for this offer:
- Chequity $248.66
- Cashhut $235.97